Wee Cho Yaw - about his Luck

This week see the passing of Banking Mogul Mr Wee.

I try search for published wisdom words from him.  Managed to read this ST article of him by Goh Eng Yeow reporter.

Veteran banker Wee Cho Yaw said that the late former deputy prime minister Goh Keng Swee once told him that it is better to be born lucky than to be smart.

It is a sentiment most of us would share with Dr Goh; having luck on our side can help us breeze through life.


About Luck : To get lucky, think positive

1. Lucky people create avenue of more luck.

Lucky people try hard to add variety to their lives - talking to different people, breaking routines and being open to new experiences.

In doing so, they create more "chance opportunities" for themselves to get lucky.

2. Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they are looking for something else. Lucky people see the chance opportunities and pursue them.

3. Count your blessings
Lucky people have a positive attitude, and lead happier lives.

4. With luck comes obligation. You owe a debt, and not just to your Gods. You owe a debt to the unlucky.



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