Layered endowments versus CPF VHR approach

Compare XIRR & CAGR


XIRR takes into account the exact timing and amount of each cash flow, making it a more accurate representation of the true returns of a SIP.

CAGR, on the other hand, assumes a constant rate of return over the entire investment period, which may not accurately reflect the returns of a SIP.

The CAGR measures the return on an investment over a certain period of time.

The most important distinction is that the CAGR is straightforward enough that it can be calculated by hand.

The main difference between them is that the CAGR is often presented using only the beginning and ending values, whereas the annualized total return is typically calculated using the returns from several years.


My dilemma

Just sharing my dilemma over nibbling buy to build up layered endowments versus simply VHR (voluntary home refund) into CPF-OA.

Each endowment return singly, or bundled collectively can/may give a XIRR higher than 3.5%.  

However in my case, the bundles payout durations extend beyond the entry limits of online XIRR calculator.  So I recalculate using CAGR of my total layered endowments investment.

1.  Individually, almost all endowments offer higher than CPF-OA 2.5% in term of XIRR.  

2.  Broken into two bundles of layered endowments, they still are able to offer higher than CPF-OA 2.5%, using XIRR.

3.  Collectively as a CAGR of total layered endowments of 19 policies, its CAGR is 2.9%, still higher than CPF-OA 2.5%.,the%2520returns%2520of%2520a%2520SIP.&ved=2ahUKEwjkj6KGxa6EAxUaUGcHHZI1AAUQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw3WV39U74xlP_tI50wnxm6-


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