Know your health numbers

 Happened to read about Kidney Disease:

2 test parameters seem important:
Creatinine level & Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR).


Usually we hear and share about property, investment, CPF, stocks, rental..
We all say Health is important. So how we keep healthy?


Usually when we are nearing 50yo or into 60yo, it is recommended that we go for internal body screening:

1.  Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy
2.  If female, more tests like Mammogram & Pap smear.

For me, I would do a full body baseline check at age 50.


Full Body check-up
It involves the following 8 non-invasive screening tests: (ownself idea.  I am no doctor):
1. Brain & Neck MRI
2. Eye Check
3. Breathe Test -  Bacteria in stomach.
4. Upper body Chest X-ray
5.  Heart Exercise Stressed Test or even 3D-MRI)
6. Lower abdomen ultrasound
7. Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy
8. Prostate

The last time which I did was in my early 50yo.  As they are fairly comprehensive, it took me about 3-years to complete the Tests.  I passed all the tests.  (I spent about $3k for above tests.)

I file all these records, (except for Lower Abdomen test which is too expensive to pay to keep detail test record).  This is my/our body Baseline, after 50yo.

Based on the result, I would make adjustment to my diet to correct/improve my health numbers.  I watch for trending.


As I am nearing 60yo next year, I commence my 2nd Full Body Health Screening Year.
1. Brain & Neck MRI (partial)
2. Eye Check (done)
3. Breathe Test
4. Upper body Chest X-ray (done)
5.  Heart ECG & Exercise Stressed Test (or MRI) (done)
6. Lower abdomen ultrasound
7. Colonoscopy & Gastro. (today)
8. Prostate (done. passed)


Since age 34 till to-date, I tabulate:
- annual health screening results (57 parameters).
- go for annual blood donations (my 11th so far)
- watch my weight, BP, Diabetes, BMI.

I also set a daily routine of drinking water regularly.

Some people chart Wealth.  I chart my Health.

Caveat: But for all we can so much, three things we can't change:
1. Our inherited hereditary genes
2. Mental health degeneration
3. Cancer


For sharing.  Not sure anyone also does that?

While I did these tests in pte & structured hospital, I notice that there are private packages too:


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