Any good lobang for saving plans?

After 1 Jul21, no good lobang for new endowments.

First Option: Limited tenure Structured Deposit or Bonds offer by Banks (or T-bills).  Good time it can offer 3.5% to 4% due to high interest period.

Second option would be leveraged annuity, but subjected to high loan interest. I love this, but before 1 Jul21. Not after.

Third option: Investment Link Policies (ILP) from AIA, Manulife n GE.  But buy those which has bonuses promotion.  But ilp is love-hate. Of all ilp, AIA seems best performer in par fund performance history. I not so love this, but better bet for higher returns than any new endowments.

But for (3) above, it depends on entry age. For me, nearing 60, best is to put into SA n RA. Least risk and guaranteed returns at 4%. Even ILP carrots better than 6%, I wont bite it. 

Fourth: Traded Insurances or Resale Insurance.  Better chance of good returns; but choose your policy wisely with guaranteed returns.   I would recommend this.


After sharing my traded endowments journey, one colleague nibbled 3 such traded endowments from TES Capital.

A week later in Mar 23, this usually-not-so-chatty chap somehow will look for me to share his new found investments into traded Insurance.

Yesterday, he showed one from Prudential.  Not sure if it was his forth? Wow. Total Guaranteed Payout better than Premium paid. Not easy to find, but he did.

Fifth option: CPF RSTU, VC3AC. Better pay regular premiums into RA n VC3AC in SA for nearing retirement folks.  In fact, keep putting into RA n SA as long as you are able to.
(RSTU: Retirement Sum Top Up to RA;)
(VC3AC: Voluntary Contribution Top Up to 3 Accounts, SA, MA & OA)

Sixth option: Actually  one interesting saving which requires huge sum more than $250k or $350k cash, depend on bank requirements.

We go new bank hops with $350k cash as new Premier customer; at current high interest climate, one can get new member introductory gift, promotional high interest rate for 3~4mth. Better than T-bills. 

When it matures, new bank hop again; Even if you don't hop, monthly FD interest payout is also quite good return.


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