Does Blood Bank want your blood? It tells your health
Someone shared that a particular chap has a wide investment diversification; which included:
1. Pty (local n overseas)
2. FD (T-bills, bonds)
3. Cash
4. Equity (ETF, local n overseas, S&P500)
5. Endowments
6. SRS
7. CPF
8. Cryptos
My reply would be:
If he is in his 20s to mid 40s, he is very commendable and outstanding. Never mind if the passive income is sizable. His runway is still long way to grow. And being investment savvy, he will outshine.~~~
Generally, if one is nearing retirement or retired, usually all these taps maybe more or less default.
By then we cannot talk in % now.
We will be asking what is the real passive income number ? $200k p.a.? For working class peoples. If he is willing to share his numbers.
For some who has retired, even 3 or 4 taps are already JBL (Jia Buay Liao); do not need to be troubled by so many investment types.
I have known of one couple who owns few landed and many pty condos (more than 10 then, local pty).
They belong to different Class Table.
The last time, he shared that his GCB was 17,000sf, and comparing with another having 34,000sf. Their estates are managed by Realty. Rental alone would suffice; dont talk about capital appreciation.
However, sadly, both suffered bad health; one spouse passed away before age 65.
Their plight and abundance serve as a strong reminder for me.
My next two questions would be to ask:
1. Does the Blood Bank want your blood?
2. Are you looking your age ?
In summary,
Don't use your Health to buy Wealth. Then use your Wealth to buy back your Health.
2. Are you looking your age ?
In summary,
Don't use your Health to buy Wealth. Then use your Wealth to buy back your Health.
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