Fit does not imply healthy

Good to know on things of the Brain Health.  Physical fitness does not imply  Mental Health.


I know of a marathoner, my cohort, who clocks 4hr+ in his full marathons, has shown some sign of early sign of Parkinson.

Our Mr Sim MW, the Ultra-marathoner and at least 50 full marathons under his belt. He passed away suddenly in Jan 2023 this year. Super-fit!

We need:
- to listen to our body,
- watch over weakness,
- don't over clock our Max Heartbeat,
- keep our body circulatory system and digestive system clean.

I observe that our old folks' aging problems are in:
- sight,
- hearing,
- knee cap,
- weakness in limbs,
- stroke,
- dementia or Parkinson,
- heart weakness


Other minor signs like Prostate, urinary, issue, wrinkling .... we put them aside.

Lung (our respiratory system) - dont forget our 3th most common cancers in SG. I am still pondering over this. My lady friend died of Stage 4 few years ago. She was not a smoker, but used inhaler. I really don't know. One swallow does not make a Summer.

I always advocate.  Listen to Your Body whispers. Don't let it Shout at you.

In 20 year's time, I would be 80yo. No crystal ball to see.

Have to keep the 3 good fiends far at bay.

Of course, the laments will say otherwise.

*Watch over for my Max Heartbeat blog. I have made some observations.


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