Helios Health Nation wide survey. You did ?

 Just participated this Helios comprehensive Nation-wide Health Survey (SG 100K).  Solid 5- hour screening.

End of study, results will be provided + $50 cash.
Urine, BP, BMI
DXA Bone Density (leg to neck) - new to me
3D-eye screening - new to me
Cognitive Test.
Carotid Ultrasound - new to me
Hearing - new to me
Skin assessment.


Carotid ultrasound, also known as a carotid duplex, is a painless, noninvasive procedure that uses sound waves to examine the carotid arteries and blood flow in the neck.


Leg BP
The BP measurement tends to be more accurate, as compared with usual health screenings or general GP.  3 sets of results were taken.

Interesting, first time having my leg BP measured.

Leg BP measurement can be an alternative when brachial BP measurement is impractical, due to injury or disability.

Findings suggest that systolic BP (SBP) is 17 mm Hg higher in the leg than the arm.


Feel free to register online.

I have to wear a smart watch 24/7 for a week.


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