My 11th to 14th Resale Endowments. Now my 16th.

My 11th & 12th Resale Endowments (INCOME X 2)

1. Yesterday I received the official e-Letter of notification of takeover of the two Wholelife policies.

So I proceeded to pay up the $42,670 for initial premiums of two INCOME Wholelife Policies bought under Resale Endowments.   

This completes the Resale Transitions. As easy that that. The two policies are seen on my MYINCOME Portal online.

My next 13th & 14th Resale Endowments

2. TI13 (from GE)

Premium: $23,820. Irr: 4.8%

Lifetime payout --> $1,000 p.a. x 26 + $28,225 upon maturity payout at Year-26)

At Year-26, I would be 60yo + 26 = 86yo.

I have reserved my 13th policies which is to pay $1,000 p.a. for my wholelife from Year-0.

3. TI14 (GE)

I just reserved this TI14 yesterday. Also from GE. Irr: 4.8%

Premium: $18,470 + $1,900 × 6 = $29,870

Lifetime payout (from Year-6 at age 66) --> $1,600 p.a. x 25 + $40,76 upon maturity payout at 2055, at my age 85)

4. TI13 is better as I start collect at Year-0 at age 60 this year.  

TI14 is collect at Year-6 at age 66.

Both will be transacted in Apr 24 when the agents return from theie holidays. I am alright with this arrangement. Otherwise it is very siong for me to pay all in Mar 2024. Apr/May 2024 will give me some breather to pay their premiums.😬

Total initial premiums for TI13 & TI14: $23,820 + $18,470 = $42,290 !!! Also a lot of money to consider as "nibbling"!😳


Just as you think that I am heavy on Traded Insurance, my recent T-bill $90,000 (mainly from SRS) bidding managed to get 3.78% return too.

Earlier Jan is for topping up the CPFs annually.

After that, it would be to pay Taxes.


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