Saltwater or Listening better for Oral gargle ?

What are the 3 major portals of entry for disease?

a. Inhalation (via the respiratory tract)
b. Absorption (via mucous membranes such as the eyes)
c.  Ingestion (via the gastrointestinal tract)

I no Doctor.  But I try to find out about bacteria entry through the above; termed as ENT channel (Ear, Nose & Throat).

1. Does salt water kill bacteria?

Salt water may kill some, but does not kill all, mouth and throat bacteria.

However, solutions of salt can help bring bacteria to the surface of the gums, teeth, and throat.

Once the bacteria is brought to the surface, some of it washes away when a person spits the salt water out.

However, the saltwater gargle was not as effective at reducing bacteria as the alum mouthwash.

Alum, which is potassium aluminum sulfate, is an active ingredient in some medicated mouthwashes.

Doctors and dentists often recommend saltwater gargles to help alleviate mouth and throat pain.

2. Is it better to gargle with salt water or Listerine?

Gargling salt water can provide most of the same benefits as Listerine, but without the harmful downsides, most dentists that are versed in the scientific evidence will now recommend salt water gargling (or even no mouthwash at all) rather than Listerine.

Saltwater gargles are safe to use several times a day if desired, and for most, there are no side effects.

People with high blood pressure or those with other medical conditions who need to limit their sodium intake should speak with a doctor or dentist before gargling with salt water.,at%20all)%20rather%20than%20Listerine.


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