Melbourne for retirement contributions?

We self-drive from Melbourne Central, along Dandedong, Yarra Valley, Warburton, Gippsland, to Tip South Cape Schanck, back to Mornington, Chadstone, to Melbourne Central.

The land is so vast with many small towns along the way.

Melbourne city is melting pot of many races, very vibrant.  (Not my first holiday in Melbourne).  I didn't face much racial discrimination when holidaying.

Outside Melbourne Central, in suburbs, more Caucasians and little Asians are seen; maybe is not school holidays time.

As I shop nearby Chadstone which is about 20km from Melbourne Central, more Asians shoppers are seen.

My opinion for retirement perspective,
- city living in nearby Melbourne Central region,
- good time to retire is when we are able, before mid-70s. 
- best time to stay is mid-Sep to mid-Feb which is around Late Spring to Summer time.
- don't invest big in condo nor apartment.  Small 2BR + 2 Toilets may be good enough. Locals prefer landed away from Central Melbourne, I think.  So resale may be an issue.


*Four Seasons in Hemisphere*:
                       Southern  | Northern
Sep to Nov: *spring*     | *autumn*
Dec to Feb:  *summer* | *winter*
Mar to May: *autumn* | *spring*
Jun to Aug:  *winter  *  | *summer*

For some temperature check:
Early spring in Australia from 1 to 15 Sep 23 can vary from 5⁰ to 13⁰C for Day.  Drizzle and windy day can be cold.


Migrating birds retirement
May to Aug: Northern Hemisphere 
Sep - Oct: return home
Nov - Feb: Southern Hemisphere: Australia
Mar - Apr: return home


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