Count our blessings

 Counting our blessings

When one retires, one casual question usually someone would ask; that is, "what do you today these days into retirement? "

I might say, "No nothing.  Even if it is just eat-sleep-shop-walk for few years, we deserve it.  Afterall, we have toiled a long whole lifetime."

Allow me to share three heart-warming scenes which I saw this week.


Scene 1: I was doing my regular jog at the KR Hill, I saw 2 retired couple, lifting up drain iron grills to remove the clog in the drain. 

Upon asking, they were concerned of mosquitoes breeding.  The man came prepared, wore gloves, shovel in hand, he scooped up the blockages to clear the water flows.  He even went to the extent to ensure water flow into the reservoir.

Scene 2: I heard an elderly woman gentle voice to her teenaged granddaughter ,"See you and have fun?"

Upon seeing, this young girl seems mildly retarded, helped by a domestic helper.

It was quite heartfelt pain for who would want to be in such predicament; and yet blessed to know we normal folks did not have such worries.

Scene 3: one grouchy old uncle sweeping up our roads.  It was speckled clean of falling leaves.  I chatted with him for a while, commended to honour his good works.  It brightened him for that day.

My takeaway
It would be nice to put aside counting wealth daily, but replaces with counting our blessings.


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