Why Ferrari?

Why Mr Ferrari? 

Not my Christian name certainly. 

Ferrari is conveniently derived to my approach to saving through layers of endowment policies, unknowingly, into a "Endowment Tap" that gives me a Ferrari-worth of premium and its payouts for my retirement.


I had developed some PowerPoint slides to illustrate "My Ferrari Story".

Some listened and got inspired.

Some listened and got disappointed.

Some listened and got critical.

One walked away half-way through my sharing; this number and the way to save so big a number is too impossible for him. That was what his colleague shared with me. This guy in his mid-30s barely earn $3000 a month.

But the colleague stayed and learned a way to getting more out of his CPF as he enquired and spoke with me.

He is my cohort; age 59 this year and not earning much as a xxxxxx.


We are here to share and learn from one another.  

Not to teach but to grow as we age healthily and retire comfortably.


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