What! Tea-O kosong also has sugar added !

I just saw a typical hdb coffeeshop drink also adds a big scoop of sugar in their fresh brew of tea (maybe even coffee).

No wonder Singaporeans are diabetes prone.

Even kosong has sugar added!

Looks like need to order Lipton Tea no sugar, or Chinese Tea now.


Why am I so concerned about sugar intake?

Under my company sponsored Annual Health Screening Package since age 34,

I faithfully tabulate the entire 57 parameters of my full health historical record, from Year 1998 till 2023.  

And I try made adjustment to my diet to bring these numbers back to desired ranges. 

Just to share,

Age 34: Glucose was 81 mg/dL (desired range: 65 to 120).

Age 40: Glucose: 84

Age 50: Glucose: 83

Age 58: Glucose: 81 mg/dL (Jan 2023)

Excessive salt and sugar intake can create health adhoc to our bodies.

Remember our Garhman call for "War on Diabetes?"


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