What is my ERS CPFLIFE payout if I defer payout to age 70?

I wrote to CPFB to query on my ERS payout if I keep topping up from age 55 to age 65.

Their reply for my case, under CPFLife Basic Plan:

At age 65, I should get $2,200 ~ $2,500 p.m. for life.

This was the official CPFB payout reply of my ERS payout.


If for each year I keep deferring payout till age 70, my CPFLife payout will be:

Age 65: $2200 ~ $2500 p.m.
Age 66: ($2200 * 1.07) ~ ($2500 * 1.07)..

Age 66: $2,354 ~ $2,675 p.m.
Age 67: $2,518 ~ $2,862 p.m.
Age 68: $2,695 ~ $3,062 p.m.
Age 69: $2,883 ~ $3,276 p.m.
Age 70: $3,085 ~ $3,506 p.m.

At age 70, Under Basic Plan, payout $3k ~ $3.5k p.m. singly, just from CPFLife payout.


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