We are our children's Plan B

For amuse, "who came to save Harry Potter in the Last Episode "Deathly Hallow"?

Did someone say was His Father!?

Just a laugh.  It was Harry himself.

Many parents are not aware nor reluctant to be their Children's Plan B.

First priority, take care of ourselves first, as parents.  Let us be the Last Sandwiched Generation.

Of course for those who are in late 50s, by now, one should have achieved self sufficiency; not forgetting to level-up your spouse in health n finances, alongside with your progress.

While I am sad n acknowledged that some sickness n illness that strike is not within our controls.


Case 1:

Past week, I chatted with a healthy looking man at the coffee-shop. He just consulted the Doctor for his dropping Platelet counts. Wow, quite low.

Platelet normal range: 150,000/mL to 400,000/mL.

His Platelet count is: 50,000/mL. Ma-chiam kenna Dengue. But diagnosis says it's not.

Case 2: Someone's mum diagnosed with Panacea Cancer; maybe at least stage 2 as it affects other organs; currently completed an cyst removal n chemo 2nd cycle.

Pancreas Cancer is something silent killer.  Because this organ is obscured from screening, it is difficult to detect at early stages.  I am no Doctor.

Just sharing on E.A.T. Beverage outlet. Usually my Tea-O is no sugar.  I was appalled that they add sugar in their Tea-O, by default when they prepare their flesh brew "tarik-ing".  So, no such thing as Teh-O no sugar at E.A.T. 

I always advocate:

"Listen to your Body whisper. Don't wait till it shouts."

"Healthy is not necessary Fit"


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