When can one retire?
Over the week, someone who is retiring explains to me on how he knows that he is ready to retire:
1. Know how much you need to spend monthly for your remaining life expenses.
2. Accumulate this amount which pays you for (1).
3. Put aside and don't consider your CPF Interest nor CPFLife payout. Keep it as your safety buffer against inflation and other.
4. For himself, his total passive monthly income exceeds $12k, singly; including his CPFLife payout. He is 63 next year.
5. In addition, he has legacy plan which pays him monthly and it grows as it protects. A good form of bequest, besides his CPF balance of 1MOA.
6. He retires with no debt. No car.
7. He is retiring fit; no 3-Highs. Despite his age, he looks young for his age; hair is still black.
I think looking young reveals that your inner body is not decaying much.
8. He has a good hobbies & kakis which can fill his time in his retirement.
9. For some reason, his holidays will always be China. So holiday cost is not so much.
That's yolo. This chap is ready.
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