Long traveling affects health

Someone shared that he daily takes 2hours to travel to work; from Woodland to Tuas.

I believe that daily two hours one-way to work is too long. Perhaps an hour door-to-door would consider as reasonable time.

I used to hear people said: "Relatively speaking, SG is so small, stay anywhere to come to work is no problem".

If your job has flexi hours, can occasionally wfh, taking public tpt can be healthy routine.   

But if daily long hours commuting sucks your health, requiring you to work up very early to prepare; and then our undisciplined lifestyle to stay up very late into wee hour. 

You will lack sleep and unseen stress builds up. Long term your health will surely be affected. Unless you have the disciplined to catch-up sleep over the weekends.

To alleviate your situation, you can consider these few things:

1. Catch some sleep while travelling.

2. Listen to calming music on the way.

3. Sleep early daily by 1-2hours

4. Catch-up sleep over the weekends.

More drastic steps:

1. Change job or home, or

2. Rent a home nearer to work place, kids schools, spouse workplace.


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