Retire type (FIRE) . Which is your style ?
* Coast FIRE * is a variation of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, which advocates saving intensively and retiring early. Similarly, Coast FIRE involves * front-loading your retirement savings, but with the goal of stopping saving at a certain point and letting your investments grow until they are enough to fully fund * your retirement at the traditional retirement age of 65 or so. * Barista FIRE * is a branch of the FIRE movement where you still save aggressively towards retirement. But instead of quitting work full stop and living off of your investments, you * save until you reach the point where you only need to work part-time * (or earn some passive income). * Fat FIRE *—This is for the individual with a 9-to-5 job who aims to * save substantially more than the average worker but doesn't want to reduce their current standard of living .* It generally takes a high salary and aggressive savings and investment strategies for it to work * Lean FIRE *—This ...